Indian Journal of Health Social Work
(UGC Care List Journal)
Background: Renowned for their rigorous selection criteria, competitive examinations in India
serve as pivotal gateways for selecting qualified candidates through equitable processes.
Competitive examinations, such as those conducted by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission
(MPSC), attract aspirants seeking prestigious government positions amidst increasing national
unemployment. However, the pursuit of these coveted roles amid the limited job market and the
allure of government positions amidst escalating national unemployment rates contribute to
significant stress, anxiety, and depression among candidates. Pune, a prominent hub for MPSC
and UPSC exam preparation, witnesses an influx of aspirants from rural Maharashtra, drawn by
the opportunities presented by civil service examinations. Nevertheless, the intense competition
and demanding preparation regimen associated with MPSC exams often lead to heightened levels
of stress, anxiety, and depression among aspirants, particularly in Pune, a prominent center for
exam preparation. Aims: This study aims to explore the prevalence and factors influencing stress,
anxiety, and depression among MPSC aspirants in Pune, considering demographic and
socioeconomic variables such as gender, urban/rural background, and financial status. Method
& Material: A cross-sectional study with quantitative method involved 60 respondents from
Pune, aged 24-32 years, utilized a structured questionnaire and the DASS-21 scale for data
collection. Results and Conclusion: It indicate high levels of anxiety (60%), depression
(48.33%), and stress (38.33%) among aspirants, with notable variations across gender, urban/
rural background, and income groups. Descriptive analyses reveal significant gender differences
in depression levels, with males experiencing higher severity. As well as substantial difference
were found in the level of stress, anxiety, and depression based on urban/rural background or
income levels. The findings underscore the need for targeted mental health interventions to
support the well-being of MPSC aspirants in Pune, enhancing their resilience amid competitive
exam pressures.
Keywords: Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Competitive Exams, Gender, DASS 21.