1. Best Paper Award for Social Work Practice in Mental Health
  2. Best Paper Award for Social Work Practice in Hospital Setting (Other than Mental Health)
  3. Best Paper Award for Social Work Students/Scholars

Guidelines for Award Paper

All of these are awarded for papers presented during the National Conference of AIAMSWP.

Process for Applying & Selection (For Awards):
Submit Full Paper to the General Secretary of the AIAMSWP within the stipulated date for submission of Papers as decided by organizing secretary of Annual National Conference of AIAMSWP. And General Secretary of AIAMSWP will forward to the Chairperson, Awards Committee by a date to be determined by the Executive Council.

Selection of Awardees:

  • Only FULL Paper received and accepted for Oral Presentation by the Conference Organizing Secretary will be considered for these Awards.
  • The short listed candidates will be informed about this session by the Organizing Secretary of the Conference. Only the First Authors of the short listed papers will have to present their papers (Total duration of presentation will be 12 minutes of which 10 minutes are for presentation).
  • The presented papers will be judged by a Jury of 3-4 eminent persons against a set of pre-decided criteria and given a score. Score of the Jury members will be averaged out to get a Final Score for each paper.
  • The one Winner will be selected as per eligibility criteria for each award. If, for a particular award, no suitable candidate is found, the Award will not be given in that year.

Awarding the Winners:

  • The Awardees will be awarded a Certificate for these awards and the same will be presented to them during the valedictory function of the Conference of AIAMSWP.
  • The Awardees will have to be present in person to receive the Award (no in-absentia presentation is made). It is mandatory that the Awardees register himself/ herself as a delegate for the Conference.


  1. Only Full paper submitted will be considered eligible for screening.
  2. The papers should be prepared in accordance with the “Instructions to Contributors” website address of the AIAMSWP, Indian Journal of Health Social Work. It or a significantly similar paper must not have earlier received an Award of the AIAMSWP.
  3. The papers should be original, unpublished and un-awarded anywhere else
  4. Only Life Members of AIAMSWP are eligible for Category 1 & 2 awards.
  5. Only FIRST Authors of the Papers are awarded.
  6. Jury’s decision on the Award winners will be final and binding. Their names will be announced in the Valedictory Function of the Conference (where they have presented the paper).
  7. The Award winning paper shall be published in the Indian Journal of Health Social Work with necessary editorial corrections. The awardees will send the paper to the Editor, Indian Journal of Health Social Work as soon after the annual conference as possible for publication in the Journal.
  8. No person shall win the Award more than once as principal author once each category in every 5 years.
  9. The judges assessing the paper for Award shall not contest for the Award. Members of the Awards Committee, if desirous of contesting, will not participate in the evaluation process.
  10. Not more than two papers will be considered from any member, as the principal author, for the Award.
  11. The papers submitted shall be rated both on the basis of written manuscript and the presentation which will represent 70 per cent and 30 per cent, respectively of the total marks of assessment. To be eligible for presentation, the written version of the paper must secure at least 50 per cent of the full marks allotted for the written version (i.e. 35 out of 70). The paper securing the highest total marks shall win the Award. Furthermore, the Award winning paper must secure not less than 50 per cent of the full marks.