A Study on Phantom Vibration Syndrome-Behavioural and Emotional Issues Among Youth

A Study on Phantom Vibration Syndrome-Behavioural and Emotional Issues Among Youth

Rashi Bajaj1, & Prashant Srivastava2

1 M.Sc. Clinical Psychology, Amity University, Gurugram, 2 Psychiatric Social Worker, Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Harayana

Correspondence: Prashant Srivastava, e-mail id:


Background: Psychological association of thepeople with their cell phones has prompted a development of another sort of mental issue called as the phantom vibration syndrome portrayed by the continuous bogus sensation of ringing and vibration from the cell phones. Although the phenomenon of the phantom is widespread, dominant part of studies are done on medical students or university students. Aim: Hence, this study endeavours to investigate phantom vibration and its relation to behavioural and emotional issues in school students, also studying the gender difference if any. Methods and Materials: For the same, 90 school going students were recruited for the study. Data collection was done through online mode due to pandemic; the strength and difficulty questionnaire were used to assess the emotional and behavioural issues. Statistical analysis used: Data was analysed by applying independent sample t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: The results revealed that there was a significant correlation between phantom vibration syndrome and emotional issues in the youth. Conclusions: This led to the conclusion that PV Scan be a significant signal of major emotional problems in youth.

Keywords: Phantom vibration syndrome, emotional issues, behavioural issues.

Global technology and its evolution affect everyone. T he public embraces any communication technology changes. Globally, 4.5 billion individuals utilise mobile phones and social media (Kemp, 2020). It’s not unexpected that many of them are young. Since many years, researchers have studied the influence of smartphone use on young children. It’s not new. But teen mobile phone addiction and poor mental and physical health have generated concerns (Shoukat, 2019).Phantom vibration syndrome causes users to assume their phone is ringing or trembling when it’s not (Locke, 2016). Robert Rosenberger (2020) studies technology and behaviour at Georgia Tech. A minor muscle contraction or shifting garment can be mistaken for a phone vibration, he explains. PhantomVibration: “Phantom Vibration” (PV) or “Phantom Ringing” (PR) refers to the erroneous notion of vibration or ringing of the phone, respectively, when in reality, it was not. Worldwide, a growing number of people carry cell phones and use vibration mode to ensure peace in quiet environments.
PV Sand Psychopathology: A relationship was discovered between PVS and workrelated burnout syndrome, but not with anxiety or depression. Mental health issues (associated to low vision impairment) may explain the existence of PVS in young people, among other variables. Pseudo-ringing can occur while showering, watching TV, or utilising audio equipment. Basic cell phone ringtones frequently fall inside this range of 1,000-6,000 hertz hearing tones. Phantom Vibration intensifies when using vibration warnings on a phone.
Behavioural and Emotional Problems in Youth–Mobile Addiction:
Cell phone addiction not only has physical effects but also has a psychological and educational effect at the same time. Insomnia, anxiety, stress, and depression associated with cyber bullying, are related to cell phone use too (De-Sola et al., 2016). Teens who use mo bile phones a re prone to sleep disturbances, restlessness, stress, and fatigue. 58% of Asians, including Indians, use cell phones while travelling. According to a survey, Indians are “the most popular” and 69% are likely to use their phones in cinemas /theatres, 21% at a place of worship, and 79% attend a wedding. 25% of users in the surveyed markets said they used cell phones at meetings, and 80% of Asians use cell phones while eating. With so many resources being made available on mobile phones, be it online or pay bills, this reliance on mobile phones is growing rapidly (Vivoda,2018). Subba, et al.,(2013)examined the negligence (Phantom cry) and other visible effects, as well as the pattern of mobile phone use among college students in South India, Bangalore, and found that in particular, the person they spoke to on their phones was the parents of 220 students (51%).150 (48%) spoke for less than half an hour a day and 137 (41%) were high-profile users. The”Ringxiety” team was able to use their phones in limited areas such as classrooms (99%) and libraries (60.3%). Kruger and Djerf (2015): A study by High Ringxiety: Anxious Attachment Predicts the Phantom Cell Phone Ringing Experience
Mobile users those who have reported ringing and /or vibration associated with incoming calls and messages, when discover that in reality no call or text message has actually been registered. Guide to believing that this object could be understood as a problem of receiving a human signal, with important influences arising from psychological traits. It is thought that people at the top of the attachment concern may report frequent cell phone incidents, while people at the top of the avoidance of attachments may report frequent incidents. If these experiences were more psychologically related to the symptoms of interpersonal relationships, organizations with an attachment style should bestronger than the usual emotional demand. It was also predicted that certain conditions wouldbe linked to the attachment style to increase or decrease the chances of receiving phantom call sand messages. Attachment anxiety directly predicted phantom frequency and information, while attachment avoidance and curiosity did not directly predict frequency. Billieux and Philippot, (2016): Improper use of a mobile phone is often thought of as a ’behavioural addiction’ that shares many features and drug addiction. In this article, the clinical use of the addiction model as used in the overuse of the mobile phone was challenged. A description of the condition of a woman abusing her mobile phone from two different ways: (1) a method based on symptoms inspired from the addictive model of the use of a mobile phone and (2) a procedure based on a procedure from idiosyncratic to think of a clinical case. In cases where those are shown here, the addiction model has been shown to lead to conventional and non-compliant treatment, and clinical trial consideration allowed for the identification of specific psychological processes that can be addressed with specific psychological, psychological interventions. These findings highlight that excessive thinking about behaviours (e.g., gambling and sexuality) within the addiction pattern can facilitate aperson’s psychological functioning, which provides limited clinical value.
Hanafiand Sistie, (2019): Two main scenarios, namely, (high levels) for innovation and (low levels) for the prevention of drug-related harm. However, their effects on smart phone addiction remained unknown. Medical students have always been heavy smart phone users. Therefore, the risk assessment of smart phone addiction based on each variation of temperament had makes it easier to identify the best protection strategy. The current study aims to examine the relationship between mildness and the risk of smart phone addiction among medical students in Jakarta, Indonesia. The research study adopted the short-term research design and used a simple randomized co ntro lled trial . Logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the relationship between human characteristics, smartphone usage patterns, mildness, and the risk of smart phone addiction. Most of the 185 participants were found to have a profile of the following condition: low levels of innovation and high levels of reward dependence and injury avoidance .The average daily use time for a smart phone was 7.83 hours(SD =4.03) and the age at the start of smart phone use was7.62years(SD= 2.60).
Respondent used a smartphone to communicate with other people and to access social media. A high level of injury prevention was strongly associated with the risk of smart phone addiction (Odds Ratio [OR] = 2.04, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] = 1.12, 3.70). The finding ssuggest that smart phone addiction has been compared to other forms of addiction. Inaddition, avoiding injury increases the risk of smart phone addiction. Therefore, the risk of smart phone addiction among medical students should be determined by their temperament profiles.

To study the correlation between phantom vibration syndrom e, emotional and behavioural issues among youth.


H1 – There will be a significant positive correlation between phantom vibration syndrome and emotional and behavioural issues among youth.


Research Design: The investigation of the present research was based on Correlation. The study was an empirical type study which was quantitative in nature. Sample: The study was conducted on a sample size of 90 school going students. Ranginginage from 11-18 years. Convenience and purposive sampling methods will be used. Tools Used: Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire- The Strengths and Difficulty Questionnaire(SDQ) is a brief emotional and behavioural screeni ng questionnaire, (it assess/measures the behavioural or emotional issues of the individual) for children and young people. The tool can capture and give an insight of the perspective of children and young people, their parents and teachers. It was initially developed by United Ki ngdom chi ld psychiatrist, Robert N. Goodman (1997). The internal consistency i.e., Cronbach came out be á= .73 and having good concurrent validity. Smart-Phone Use related Items- After care ful analysis and scrutinization of the present literature, adhoc 3 items were developed to investigate smart phone use-related variables associated with phantom vibration syndrome. Procedure: Scales were selected and permission were taken from the concerned person. Sample was collected by convenient and purpo sive sampling method. The respondent was made aware of the aim of the study being done. Instructions for all the questionnaire were given very clearly to the respondent through online medium before administering it. They were asked to be as honest as possibl e while filling the questionnaire. Confidentiality of the study was emphasized. Participants were informed that the data will be used for research purpose only.The data was collected through online survey or handfil led questionnaire s. Correlation research method and comparative research method were used for the study. The scores were calculated of all the scales and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS) 23.0


The present study explored the phenomenon of PVS on a representative sample of schoolaged youth. The coefficient correlation model applied on this study revealed that emotional problem was the psychopathological variable associated with the presence of P.V. S in the youth, r(88) = .318, p < 0.01 which led to the acceptance of Hypothesis two, giving a clear picture that increase in either of the factors leads to the increase of the otherone. This result is supported by other researches, for instance, the research done by Daniel J. kruger 2016 depicted that individual experienc in gphantomring in gorvibrating syndrome, werepotentially having higher attachment anxiety issues leading to depression and stress. Another study conducted by Michelle Drouin in 2012 on psychological characters of P.V.S showed that the more bothering the phantom vibrations were, the higher the emotional reactions of the individual s. Research done by Roberts etal. found that the most problematic applications are voice calls, text messages, and social networks. For females, the cell phone is a means of social contact, in which messaging and social networks play prominent roles in creating psychological disturbances, leading to further severe disorders. While for males, a more diversified type of usage was observed, involving text messages, voice conversations, and gaming applications.
Another study innotion was Molecular Mechanism of Phantom Vibration and Ringing Syndrome in which a Nokia study found that the average cell phone user checks their phone every 6.5 minutes. That is 150 times during our waking hours. That kind of behaviour is compulsive, bordering on obsessive. So heavy smart phone users, when unable to check their devices or entirely losing access to their devices, feel a great deal of anxiety. Phantom vibrations and ringing appear to be a symptom of this anxiety. Every text, every Facebook or Twitter notification is positively reinforcing, giving our brains a little spurt of dopamine. So, the release of dopamine under anxiety conditions may be cause of the Phantom vibrations and ringing syndrome. Students who spent much more time on mobile and have high emotional behavior deals more with the anxiety problem which mayleads to high dopamine release.
Some studies proved that smartphone overuse was associated with various psychological and behavioural and emotional problems, such as depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbance. It has been found that depressed individuals use their smart phones as a coping strategy to deal with their negative emotions, a s suggested by research done on problematic mobile phone users, by Jung Kim in 2015. A bidirectional relationship, is also suggested by Van den Eijnden in his journal “Online communication, compulsive internet use and psycho social well being among adolescents”. Where by excessives martphoneuses drives psychopathology, and psychopathology further drives problematic use leading to a downward spiral of smartphone use related issues including P.V.S.
The present study sought to explore the relationship between P.V.S and emotional and behavioural issues among the youth. For the same 90 students were selected from assorted schools in Haryana and Delhi NCR. The age range was 11 to 18 years and the tool used for the study were Strength and difficulty questionnaire by Robert N. Goodman in 1997 and Smartphone use related items. Correlation research design was used. It was assumed that there would be a significant and positive correlation between P.V.S and emotional issues and same was assumed for behavioural issues. Also, no significant difference between the gender in P.V.S was also assumed in the hypothesis. Due to the lockdown situations, the data was collected through online medium, where in the instructions were made clear to each participant. After the collection, the data was analysed with the help statistical package of social sciences(SPSS). The findings revealed that there was a si gnificant positiv e correlation between P.V.S and emotional issues in the youth.

Certain restrictions to the present study surfaced. First, all data was self-reported which maybe a source of bias. It seemed difficult to find a different way to assess PVS, in this regard, question referred to” how often do subjects feel the phenomenon” without assessing the bother or impact on everyday life, which caused limitation to the study. Also, any stress-related variables or socio-economic assessment was not done thus, the results may be, at least in part, driven by these other variables. Present study was conducted on only a small population size.

Recommendations for future studies

A more comprehensive measure of PVS would be welcome in the future. The observed link between PVS and emotional problems may be dueto personality factors not explored in the present study, fu ture studies may systematically ana lyse a model with personality factors and metal health problems in relationship to PVS. Apaper argued PVS was linked to insecurity in interpersonal relationships, which were not explored in this research, but can be studied in future.

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Conflict of interest: None
Role of funding source: None

ISSN: 2582-1393 (online)

UGC Care List Journal

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