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Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitude and practices Regarding Antenatal Care amongst Pregnant Women at subcenter Badakharida with a View to Develop BCC Aids for Health Education

Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitude and practices regarding Antenatal Care amongst Pregnant Women at subcenter Badakharida with a View to Develop BCC Aids for Health Education

Sunita Rani Panda1, Sanjay Sadanand Bhonge2 & Rajaram Gavade3

1 MPHW (Female), Bada Kharida, Purushottampur, Ganjam, Odisha, 2 Social Worker, NIPHTR, Mumbai, 3 Statistical Assistant, NIPHTR, Mumbai.

Correspondence: Sanjay Sadanand Bhonge, e-mail:


Background: An antenatal care is necessary for ensuring a healthy mother and baby at the end of gestation. components of antenatal care offer information and advice to women about pregnancy related complication and possible curative measures for early detection and management of complications. The health workers at grassroot level such as Sub Centre are primary source of information, motivation and services for the ANC mothers. Hence the study aims to assess the knowledge attitude and practices of the ANC mothers attending the ANC clinic at Bada Kharida Subcetre, in Bhatkhumarda Block, Purushottampur with a view to develop BCC material as per the needs of the ANC mothers in local language with available resources. Aim and Objective: The study aims to identify the Knowledge attitude practices regarding the AN care amongst the AN mother attending the Sub-centre Bada Kharida with an objective to develop behavioural change communication aid. Method & Materials: The study was institution based descriptive study.  A Semi structured interview schedule was administered to 40 AN mother for data collection who were registered and attended the Sub Centre Bada Kharida during 1st March 2019 to 31st March 2019. Results and Conclusion: Out of 40 AN Mother included in this study only 7.5% AN mother approached the health facilities voluntarily to register and seek AN care before 12 weeks of pregnancy. 47.5% Mothers said that ANM gives Iron Folic Acid Tablet or Syrup. 50% said that ANM gives Calcium Tablets. 27.5% mothers don’t know the benefits of the tables given by the ANM. 85% said that the ANM explained them the danger sign to be observed during the pregnancy. The importance of early registration during the pregnancy is yet to be understood by the AN mother. The Monetary assistance scheme for AN mother, ASHA and AWW has boosted the early registration and utilization of Antenatal care services. Although crucial issues like danger signs are explained to them, it is not retailed or understood in simple manner. 

Key words: BCC, registration, ANC, signs, attitude, practice.

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