Indian Journal of Health Social Work
Background: Bipolar Affective Disorder (BPAD) is prevalent among homeless individuals, posing
an elevated risk of disability and mortality. Factors contributing to homelessness include psychiatric
disorders, sexual exploitation, domestic disputes, joblessness, family breakdown, financial issues,
and adverse childhood experiences. Aim: This case report aims to demonstrate the feasibility,
scope, and potential outcomes of psychosocial intervention (PSI) in addressing the complex
challenges faced by a homeless woman with BPAD. Material and Methods: This study employed
a single-case study design to investigate the psychosocial intervention for a homeless woman
with Bipolar Affective Disorder (BPAD) and associated challenges. The Department of Psychiatry
at GMCH, Chandigarh referred the case to the Psychiatric Social Work Department for
comprehensive assessment and rehabilitation. Results: The assessment revealed the patient’s
dire circumstances, prompting the development and implementation of a tailored psychosocial
intervention. Throughout the intervention, psychoeducation proved pivotal in improving treatment
compliance. The intervention included providing shelter in a residential home, facilitating a reunion
with her son, and initiating HIV/AIDS treatment. Conclusion: The outcomes of the psychosocial
intervention were positive, highlighting the role of such interventions in addressing the
multifaceted challenges faced by homeless individuals with mental illnesses. This case study
underscores the necessity of a holistic approach that integrates psychosocial interventions with
pharmacological treatments for the effective rehabilitation of individuals grappling with mental
illness and homelessness.
Keywords: Homelessness, Psychosocial intervention, Rehabilitation & BPAD
Keywords: Homelessness, Psychosocial intervention, Rehabilitation & BPAD