Indian Journal of Health Social Work
(UGC Care List Journal)
The “Indian Journal of Health Social Work” is a biannual E-journal which will be published in the month of January and July in every year. The Indian Journal of Health Social Work is an official publication of All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP). The journal accepts original research work, review articles, case reports, commentary, forum, & brief communication related to social work practice in health care.
The Indian Journal of Health Social Work is a forum
for the publication, dissemination and debate of key
ideas and researches focused to contemporary social
work practice with individuals, couples, families, groups
& community in the field of health care. It also presents
innovations in theory, practice, evidence-based clinical
& co mmunit y researches, and i nterdi sciplinary
approaches. The Indian Journal of Health Social Work
is committed for updating the clinical knowledge of
practitioners, educators & researchers. The journal
welcomes submissions from areas of medical &
psychiatric social work and also from the other
int er di s cipl in ary s ubject rel ated t o hea lth care
Review Articles: In this section some good
quality information & reviews on pertinent topics
can be published.
Original Research Papers : Original
Quantitative as well as qualitative research
papers are published under this section.
Commentary & Invited articles: In this
section short article can be describes an author’s
personal experience or view of a specific topic in
the different areas. Unlike a review article, the
author gives his own opinions and perspectives.
Forum: Ideas and views on a particular issue
can be exchanged under this section.
Case Reports: This section contains reports of
new/ interesting/ rare cases of clinical significance
in the field of health care social work practice.
Brief Communication: Under this section data
from preliminary studies, studies done with
smaller sample size and others short important
topics are published.
Letters to the Editor: Brief letter (maximum of
500 words. Including references, no tables &
figures) will be considered under this section.
A. Title with author’s details
The title of the article should be bold, centered
and type in normal size with 12 point and Times
New Roman Font.
The author details should also be 12 point Times
New Roman Font in normal size accordingly: full
name, educational qualification designation,
postal address, pin code email and mobile number.
B. Abstract and Keywords
All man uscripts and written work must be
accompanied by a brief abstract.
Abstract including key words must not exceed 500
Author has to mention 3 to 6 keywords.
Abstract consists background, aims & objective,
method , result, Conclusion & keywords
C. Contents of the Write up
The manuscript should be written in English & it
should not exceed 5000 words (Five thousand).
Manuscript or informative material typed in 12
point-Times New Roman with line spacing of 1.5
and single column on standard A4 size paper.
All heading must be bold-faced, aligned left with
12 point-Times New Roman and sub-heading in
10 point.
Article tittles should be informative reflecting true
sense of the manuscript and within two lines.
Tables should be included in a separate page,
numbered with Arabic numerals and accompanied
by short tittles at the top.
The authors should make sure that table and
figures are referred to from the main text.
References should include a list of all articles and
books at the end of the paper. Arrange
alphabetically by the author’ names and date of
publication in parentheses. Author should follow
APA style for reference list using.
Declaration of interest must be mentioned by the
author at the submission. Any financial support
should clearly be given before ‘reference’ in
The journal is strictly against any unethical act of
copying or plagiarism in any form. Plagiarism is said to
have occurred when large portions of a manuscript
have been copied from existing previously published
resources. All manuscripts submitted for publication
to the Indian Journal of Health Social Work will be
cross-checked for plagiarism. Manuscripts found to
be plagiarized during any stages of review are outrightly
rejected and not considered for publication in
the journal.
Authors note that manuscript cannot be withdrawn at
any condition once it is accepted. The authors may
not publish his/her manuscript anywhere else without
the prior permission of the editor. The author warrants
that his/her contribution is original. The Corresponding
author accepts responsibility for publishing his/her
manuscript/material on the behalf of any and all coauthors.
Editor or Association is not responsible for
any discrepancies or any conflict of interest arising
out of manuscript.
The authors can submit their manuscripts
as an attachment through e-mail :

ISSN: 2582-1393 (online)
UGC Care List Journal