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 Swati Kumari, Ph.D Scholar(PSW), Department of PSW,  RINPAS, Kanke, Ranchi

Author: Dr. Narendra Kumar Singh
Publisher: Rapid Book Service, Lucknow
Print Publication Year: 2020
Print ISBN- 9789382462590
Page: 70
Price: RS. 90


Frist of all I would like to introduce the author of this book.  This book is written by Dr. Narendra Kumar Singh.  He is working as a Psychiatric Social Worker in the Department of PSW, CIP, Ranchi, Jharkhand.  He was born in 1980 in Varanasi, UP.  He did his Master of Social Work from BHU(Varanasi).  Subsequently he obtained the M.Phil. and Ph.D. degree from Ranchi University, Ranchi.  Author has written many chapters in the different books and published more than three dozen articles in different National and International Journals.

This book has seven chapter each of which addresses practice of psychiatric social work  in different setting and seven chapter arrange for important dates, acts and important milestone in social work field. 

Chapter 1- Book starts with overview of psychiatric social work, which includes brief introduction and definition about PSW, historical development of PSW particularly development in India, emphasis scope and services of PSW. Moreover the chapter underlining challenges and issues of psychiatric social work profession. 

Chapter 2- The chapter talk over psychiatric social work practice in tertiary care center, which includes tertiary care system and needed skill required for psychiatric social worker in tertiary system and significance of diagnostic assessment as psychiatric social work task. The chapter also attention practice of PSW i.e. intake social investigation, social evaluation, social intervention home visit and follow up. 

Chapter 3- The chapter concentrating psychiatric social work in child guidance clinic, history and development of child guidance clinic and focusing services of child guidance clinic. Practice and role of psychiatric social work in child guidance i.e. assessment and diagnosis, individual counselling and therapy, group intervention, family therapy and liaison with other agencies also described in this chapter. 

Chapter 4- In this chapter author discuss about the practice of psychiatric social work in drug addiction center. Chapter start with introduction than author talk about social work practice with substance dependency and argue the role of psychiatric social worker in drug addiction center such as assessment and diagnosis, psychoeducation, Brief intervention, motivational intervention, motional enhancement therapy (MET), network therapy, relapse prevention, family intervention, group intervention, community reinforcement approach, contingency management, occupational rehabilitation, the matrix model, follow up and orientation and sensitization. 

Chapter 5- Practice of psychiatric social work in community mental health, which include historical evaluation of community psychiatric and development of community psychiatric in India. Afterward the author talk about the community mental health definition, objective and components of community mental health. Moreover recent development in the field of community mental health and role of psychiatric social work in community mental health discussed in this chapter. 

Chapter 6- In this chapter author speak about training of psychiatric in India. Chapter started with introduction afterward author described key feature of training and scheme for manpower development in mental health profession. Moreover author describe training collages and hospitals, eligibility criteria and challenges and issues in training.

Chapter 7 – Organize for important dates, act and milestone of the field of social work. 

This book is a welcome addition tried to cover many areas of practice of psychiatric social work and developing understanding of the role, responsibility and services of psychiatric social worker in particular setting. This book up to till today, remains one of the book on Psychiatric social work practice in particular setting. The author assert that they are the heart of the psychiatric social work practice. The inclusive impression of the book is training of psychiatric social work and important dates, act and social work revolution from the past and present are used to make this book a must read for PSW trainee. Although these are useful information for MSW student to choose training institute. Furthermore, I would like to suggest that these book most useful as classroom textbook for M.Phil. and MSW level because cover the nearly topic from syllables of psychiatric social work student and social work and help to understand psychiatric social work practice as well as much fodder for thoughtful discussion. Many chapter stated with background/ introduction or brief history, focus basic issues of area, these developing batter insight of area for student but not for professional because they already working in this area. After reading the book my concept becomes very clear about psychiatric social work practice and particular role.   


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