Indian Journal of Health Social Work
(UGC Care List Journal)
Background: The quality of life among tribal members who care for people with alcohol addiction
in their community sheds light on the unique challenges they encounter and potential sources of
assistance. Caregivers in tribes impacted by dependency on alcohol often experience an array of
obstacles that adversely affect their standard of life. The intergenerational trauma, cultural
stigmas associated with alcoholism, and limited access to resources exacerbate the problems
faced by these caregivers. Despite these challenges, caregivers show resiliency and dedication
to their work, trying to assist and care for their loved ones in the face of hardship. Methods &
Materials: Aim: The study aims to understand the quality of life among the caregivers of alcoholaddicted individuals in the tribal community of Karnataka. A descriptive research design, with a
sample size of 150 Soliga tribal adults was conducted in the southern Karnataka state. A semistructured interview schedule along with the Quality-of-Life Scale (WHOQOL) was used. Results:
45% of the tribal patients with ADS were illiterates. 87% of the caregivers were female, mostly
spouses, 98% of the respondents had a Family History of ADS. The respondents were spending
Rs 3776 per month on alcohol. The study show that the quality of life of caregivers, particularly
elderly caregivers, is adversely impacted in the areas of physical, psychological, and social
interactions, as well as the environment. Conclusions: Overall, the burden for caregivers of
patients with ADS in the Mysore tribal region has a significant impact on their quality of life.
Keywords:ADS, Quality of life, Tribes, Caregivers/family, Mental Health