Indian Journal of Health Social Work
(UGC Care List Journal)
Anmol Lama1 & Darshika Lama2
1Research Scholar at Department of Social Work, Visva- Bharati (A Central University),
Santiniketan, West Bengal, 2Guest Lecturer at Department of E.V.S, Sonada Degree college,
Sonada, Darjeeling, West Bengal.
Correspondence: Anmol Lama, email:
Problem that affects developing nations worldwide. Indirectly or directly, illicit drug use is to
blame for 11.8 million fatalities worldwide each year. Various factors might lead a person to use
or abuse drugs, which can subsequently develop into addiction. This article, however, concentrates
on environmental aspects, which influence substance misuse. Environment in this study is defined
as “the aggregate of the social and cultural conditions that influence the life of an individual or
community.”To further investigate, this study has broken down environmental factors into subfactors like family environment, peer influences, etc., to better understand how these factors
affect an individual’s decision to use drugs or alcohol and how family, society, and the community
as a whole must be aware of these factors and take action to improve society and community.
When a loved one in our culture develops an addiction or a substance use disorder, we frequently
blame the appropriate external factors right away while completely ignoring our family
environment, personal emotional problems, our society, cultural standards, etc. The article
discusses how certain environmental circumstances can increase one’s chance of using drugs or
Keywords: Substance abuse, Drugs, Drug use, Environmental factors, Environment
Substance abuse is one of the major issues,
which is facing worldwide. According to World
Health Organization (WHO), drug addiction
and substance abuse are serious public health
issues affecting developing countries around
the world (Ursu, A. et al., (2022), WHO,2020).
Indirectly or directly, drug addiction which
includes smoking, drinking, and using illicit
drugs causes 11.8 million fatalities worldwide
each year. (Cheron et al.,2021, Roth, et al.,
2017). The Global Burden of Disease study
says this number is more significant than
cancer-related fatalities and represents a fifth
of all. Most early-age teenagers aged 17 to
20 years are seriously addicted to some drug
use . In India, people aged 10 to 75 years,
14.6 % alcohol,2.83% cannabis, and 2.1%
opioid, indulged in these substances (Ministry
of Social Justice and Empowerment,19 July
2022). Higher education Students constitute
a risk group with regard to the consumption
of psychoactive substances (Alves, et al.
(2021), Allen et al. 2017; Helmer et al. 2014).
Various aspects of student life, especially among fresh undergraduates, increase their
vulnerability to drug use. These include a
switch from the constrained life censored by
parents to a more self-directed life influenced
by the university environment; peer influence,
possibly resulting from shared living quarters
with strangers from different cultural and
social backgrounds; and poor coping or
survival skills in response to academic
pressure and a new environment (Olashore
et al., 2020). Dependence on any substance
has negative consequences for the individual’s
health, as well as their families and society.
Sometimes various factors are responsible for
drug abuse, or substance use disorder.
However, this study wants to explore the how
this environmental factor plays a role in drug
In our community, where Substance use and
abuse have turned into serious issues, many
young people are falling victim to it due to
various causes. But this study aims to look
into environmental elements that are
connected to substance abuse. To further
explore how environmental factors influence
a person’s decision to use drugs or alcohol,
family, society, and the community must be
aware of these factors and take action to
improve culture and community. However, this
article concentrates on environmental
aspects, which influence substance misuse.
The environment in this study is defined as
“the aggregate of the social and cultural
conditions that influence the life of an
individual or society.” this study has broken
down environmental factors into sub-factors
like a family environment, peer influences, etc.
It has mostly used secondary data gathered
from newspaper and magazine articles,
Journals articles, and several web sources.
When we hear of substance or drug misuse,
we often conjure images of people involved
in unlawful activities. Have we ever considered
how much we know about drug/substance
misuse or substance use disorder or Drug
addiction? or form where these youngsters are
getting the knowledge about the substances,
which they are consuming. In recent studies,
the researcher tried to understand how
individuals are gaining knowledge about drug
or substances. A study by Faria E. A. et al.
(2015) found that understanding the
perception of drugs they related to disease,
crime, and immorality by the participants.
These meanings may be possibly associated
with historical and socially constructed
reproductions. The participants were used to
listening to people and the media about
different types of drugs, their effects, and
their pleasures. They made inferences based
on their prior knowledge without any major
reflections. A similar study done by Hyde, A.
et al. (2000) in the study where different age
groups of children participated in the study,
found that most of the children had a
superficial knowledge about the drug, gained
knowledge about the drugs from a variety of
ways, including seeing drug users’ evidence,
relatives, family members, and other sources.
The participants identified factors that lead
to drug abuse, such as easy access, use by
family and friends, idleness, dropping out of
school and the characteristic vulnerability of
adolescence (Faria E. A. et al. (2015).
Children appear to be afraid of talking to adults
about their drug dealing experiences, which
will limit their ability to develop refusal skills
(Hyde, A., et al. (2000)).
When we talk about the environment, our
consciousness makes us think about the
ecosystem of plants, animals, etc.
However, the definition of environment in
social sciences means“the aggregate of the
social and culture condition that influences the
life of an individual or community” (Merriam-
Indian Journal of Health Social Work. 4(2) July-December, 2022 Substance abuse is the use of
any legal or illegal chemical substance that
results in physical, mental, emotional, or
behavioral impairment in a person
( Substance abuse
impacts individuals’ social functioning, often
creating a burden for the family and its
members (Daley, D. C. (2013). substance
abuse is a severe issue tearing apart the
country’s social fabric. Dependence on any
substance harms the individual’s health, as
well as the health of their families and society
as a whole. Individual addiction arises
because of consuming numerous psychoactive
substances on a regular basis. Some chemical
substances have been related to
neuropsychiatric problems, cardiovascular
disease, car accidents,suicides and violence.
While substance use disorders/drug addiction
is known to affect people of all regions, races,
and socioeconomic statuses, certain segments
of the population are more likely to use
particular substances. Initiation into substance
use may stem from a variety of factors,
including genetic, biological, cognitive,
affective, family, and peer characteristic
(Mennis,etal, 2016 ,Scheier L.M 2010). Many
studies have found that person’s risk of
developing a drug addiction is based on their
genetics. This means that specific genes
passed down in your family may put you at a
higher risk for drug addiction. But while
genetics can play a large part in addiction,
they’re not the only thing that leads to the
condition. Your surroundings your family,
friends, lifestyle, and other things in your
environment – can also put you at a higher
risk for it. (Alexandra Benisek , 2022). A
person’s environment can include many
settings, including home, work, school,
neighborhoods, recreation areas, and social
events. If your environment is one in which
drugs or alcohol are available and widely
accepted, it can have a strong effect on your
potential for abuse and addiction.
(, 2019).
One of the most severe issues facing the world
today is drug addiction or substance use
disorder, and there are many factors that
influence people’s decisions to use drugs.
Various study has shown that the environment
greatly impacts those of all ages; young
people are particularly vulnerable
(,2019). Form nicotine,
alcohol, and cannabis, familial environmental
factors were critical in influencing use in early
adolescence and gradually declined in
importance through young adulthood(Kendler,
2008). From the community, home life, and
friend groups to culture and social media
influences, there are numerous environmental
factors that influence addiction and might
contribute to substance use disorder. The
following is a breakdown of these factors:
Easy Availability of Substances
One of the major environmental factors is the
easy access to substances in the area where
individuals reside. A recent study suggests
easy access to drugs or alcohol during the
teen years increases the risk for a problem in
adulthood (Feller, 2016). The researchers
found teens with easy access initiated
consuming substances at a younger age and
were more likely to be using one or both as
they got older (Broman,2016).similarly, in
Bangladesh, youth are in cannabis and Yabba
addiction because these drugs are available
in local markets. This drug is also cheaper
than the chemical drug to buy for them (Ahad,
et. al., 2017). In developing countries such
as India, there are many local substances that
are easily available in Indian society at a lower
cost, and people who fall into addiction due
to social, situational, and environmental
Indian Journal of Health Social Work. 4(2) July-December, 2022 6
level substance use. Such environmental cues
can have a significant detrimental impact on
persons in treatment for substance use
disorders as well as those in long-term
recovery striving to maintain abstinence from
substance use.
Every human being’s family is crucial to their
existence because it teaches them how to live
a better life. However, family not only helps
to improve one’s life, but it can also provide
unsettling experiences that can lead to
substance abuse. Some of the family factors
causing drug abuse are parents’ behavior, the
relationship between parents and the
individual, the relationship between the
parents, the family atmosphere, and the
family’s economic standing (Foo,2012). Drug
addiction in a family result from three factors,
the effect of pathological families on young
people’s behavior, easy access to drugs, and
influence of groups of people of the same
age. (Jêdrzejczak, M. ,2005). In environments
like High-stress families are a risk factor for
early and dangerous substance use
(SAMHSA). The entire family is affected by
the impacts of a substance use disorder. The
individual using substances uniquely impacts
every family member, but not limited to unmet
developmental needs, damaged attachment,
financial difficulties, legal issues, emotional
pain, and occasionally violence being
committed against him or her. Additionally,
there is a higher chance of children getting
SUD themselves. (Lander,2013,Zimic,2012).
Inadequate parenting and other parent-child
interaction patterns that promote aggressive,
antisocial behavior in children increase the
offspring’s risk of an alcoholism subtype
associated with antisocial personality disorder.
(JACOB, 1997).
Peer Influence
Peer pressure to use drugs and alcohol can
potentially cause addiction and be a factor in
substance use disorders. Peer pressure may
be both good and bad, as some people may
pressure others to refrain from using alcohol
and drugs for recreational purposes. Studies
and surveys find close friends hold more sway
over behavior than acquaintances or
strangers( Typically,
young people are the focus of conversations
about peer pressure. Students that share their
interests and are of a similar age like to hang
out together. Experts generally agree that, in
relation to alcohol, college-age kids are most
at risk for peer pressure influencing them into
substance use( Peer
pressure works the same way with drugs as
with alcohol. Alcohol use is more acceptable
and popular than illicit drug use, even if it’s
underage. Peer pressure’s power to drive
someone to engage in risky behavior can be
disrupted by the impression of repercussions,
which may make it less likely that people will
succumb to pressure to take drugs. Peer
pressure of some forms might not only result
in risky short-term behavior but also lay the
foundation for damaging lifelong habits.
Stressors in life and trauma
When trauma dominates a person’s life, they
frequently suffer from acute anxiety when
exposed to situations that trigger them, and
they may abuse drugs or alcohol to cope with
the disturbance in their emotions. Although a
person may believe that alcohol or opioid
reduce their emotional pain, these substances
can actually have the opposite effect and
cause addiction. In the United States,
traumatic childhood experiences like sexual
and physical abuse and also neglect occur at
an alarming pace and are seen as a serious
public health issue (Khoury, et al., 2010).
Teenagers who experienced physical or sexual
abuse or assault were three times more likely
to report prior or current substance addiction
than teens without a history of trauma in the
National Survey of Adolescents (Kilpatrick et
al., 2003). Depending on the type of trauma,
Indian Journal of Health Social Work. 4(2) July-December, 2022 7
how long it lasts, the developmental stage it
occurs in, the genetics and gender of the
person experiencing the trauma, and whether
or not they have a sensitive, supportive
caretaker, traumatic experiences in childhood
may have a variety of adverse effects on an
individual. The period of development during
which the trauma takes place, the gender and
genetic makeup of the person suffering the
trauma, and the presence or absence of an
attuned and supportive caretaker. (Amanda
,2021, De Bellis & Zisk,person’s appeal to
businesses or other people who wish to spread
an idea or sell a product increase as their
power grows. However, it also has some
negative impacts on people, especially on the
young generation; for example, Alcohol, in
particular, is frequently portrayed in the media
as not only acceptable but also desired
behavior. Alcohol, marijuana, and other
addictive substances are often glamorized in
music videos, movies, TV shows, and by
famous people. One study found that
teenagers who indulge in social media
activities are more likely to use tobacco,
alcohol, and marijuana than their peers who
don’t (Costello, et. al., 2017). Many argue
that social media glamorizes drugs and
alcohol, and it is easy to see why. One study
found that 97% of alcohol-related posts of
youth on Instagram and Facebook showed
alcohol in a positive social context (Hendriks,
et al. 2018). Since social media is still a
relatively new phenomenon, more research
needs to be done. Some speculated causes
of the link between social media and drug use
include the glamorization of substance usage,
harm to mental health, increased exposure
to such substances, and availability of
additional drug-purchasing options. The
environment in which you were raised,
common cultural beliefs, teachings about
shame, and the exclusion of or participation
in religious activities are just a few examples
of how culture and religion can cause
addictive behavior. For instance, some cultures
permit men to drink while forbidding women
2014; Levin etal., 2021; Nakazawa, 2015).
People who have experienced trauma may be
more. Susceptible to developing addictions as
a way to control their mood, block out intrusive
thoughts, and lessen the arousal brought on
by elevated stress hormone levels(Amanda,
2021,Levin et al., 2021; Van der Kolk, 2014).
Media and Culture
Social media has become one of the most
significant aspects of modern living. A
person’s power to influence others’ opinions
in an online social group is referred to as
social media from the same behavior
( Problematic behaviors
can be influenced by cultural norms,
particularly if they are generally accepted by
the entire society and are introduced to a
person while they are young. People
frequently become addicted as a form of
protest against particular cultural norms and
upbringing. Your neighborhood, like your
house, workplace, or school, can have an
impact on your drug or alcohol usage. You risk
losing awareness of the risks associated with
drugs if you reside in an area where they are
sold and are viewed as socially and culturally
acceptable. Additionally, living in a drug-filled
neighborhood can be stressful, which may
lead some community members to turn to
drugs or alcohol use as a coping mechanism.
When a loved one in our home or in a
community develops an addiction or a
substance use disorder, we frequently blame
the relevant external factors right away while
completely ignoring our family environment,
personal emotional problems, our society,
cultural norms, and other relevant factors.
However, we cannot eradicate this problem
from society. Still, we can try to reduce the
influences of these factors, which lead to
Indian Journal of Health Social Work. 4(2) July-December, 2022 8
substance use disorder, or help the person
with substance use disorder.
Psychotherapy can help reduce the effects
of family dynamics and influence triggers.
It enables individuals to accept their
patterns, look for solutions to change them
and comprehend their background and how
it has shaped their worldview and ability
to handle stress. Similarly, some people
think they should avoid friends if they use
drugs or alcohol. Instead, help them to
make it a habit to stay away from certain
hangouts when individuals anticipate the
temptation and trigger to be greater
( It is probably
unrealistic to avoid social media. Still,
family members or friends can help
establish a rule to use social media for a
short period or during influence. certain
hours. Open communication with your
teenager can reduce the likelihood of
unpleasant emotions, mental health
issues, and even substance usage
( Discuss the potential
risks of teenage drug usage with your
child. Talk to your teen about social media
reality and how it isn’t reality. Ensure your
kid understands that social media likes do
notaccurately reflect one’s worth despite
how much it may seem to matter now.
Instead, let them know they are attractive,
loved, and supported. Maintain these
discussions and build a relationship of
continuing trust with your youngster
( By doing this, an
individual can avoid going down the rabbit
hole of feeling self-conscious and wasting
time on social media. The community or
culture plays an important role in the
likelihood of abusing drugs. So, the
member of the community has to work on
reducing the belief or prejudice created
by the preoccupied notion and create a
better society.
A person’s environment greatly impacts
addiction development, from family dynamics
and peer pressure to culture and social media.
The present study primarily focuses on how
environmental factors contribute to substance
use. In our society, when a loved one develops
an addiction or substance use disorder, we
immediately blame the external elements that
are appropriate for the scenario. At the same
time, we entirely ignore our family
environment, individual emotional issues,
society, cultural norms, etc. This article
attempts to help you explore more, identify
addiction triggers, and better understand how
environmental factors contribute to a loved
one’s problems. Understanding these “risk
factors” may make some people depressed.
People can make choices that lead to a higher
quality of life rather than surrendering to
habit. Individuals or societies can make little
modifications to their surroundings to make
them protective rather than risk factors for
their addiction. Thus, it can onlybe eliminated
via cultural renaissance andcommunity
sensitization and awareness in our society.
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Conflict of interest: None
Role of funding source: None

ISSN: 2582-1393 (online)
UGC Care List Journal