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A Study on Phantom Vibration Syndrome-Behavioural and Emotional Issues Among Youth

A Study on Phantom Vibration Syndrome-Behavioural and Emotional Issues Among Youth

Rashi Bajaj1, & Prashant Srivastava2

1 M.Sc. Clinical Psychology, Amity University, Gurugram, 2 Psychiatric Social Worker, Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Harayana

Correspondence: Prashant Srivastava, e-mail id:


Background: Psychological association of thepeople with their cell phones has prompted a development of another sort of mental issue called as the phantom vibration syndrome portrayed by the continuous bogus sensation of ringing and vibration from the cell phones. Although the phenomenon of the phantom is widespread, dominant part of studies are done on medical students or university students. Aim: Hence, this study endeavours to investigate phantom vibration and its relation to behavioural and emotional issues in school students, also studying the gender difference if any. Methods and Materials: For the same, 90 school going students were recruited for the study. Data collection was done through online mode due to pandemic; the strength and difficulty questionnaire were used to assess the emotional and behavioural issues. Statistical analysis used: Data was analysed by applying independent sample t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: The results revealed that there was a significant correlation between phantom vibration syndrome and emotional issues in the youth. Conclusions: This led to the conclusion that PV Scan be a significant signal of major emotional problems in youth.

Keywords: Phantom vibration syndrome, emotional issues, behavioural issues.

ISSN: 2582-1393 (online)

UGC Care List Journal

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