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Psychosocial Issues Associated With Mining Industry: A Brief Review

Psychosocial Issues Associated With Mining Industry: A Brief Review

Shuvabrata Poddar,1 Urbi Mukherjee,2 Natasha Shasmal,3 Madhumita Panday 4

1Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology and Project Investigator KNU UGC STRIDE, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, West Bengal India, 2Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology and Co-Project Investigator KNU UGC STRIDE, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, West Bengal India, 3-4Project Assistant, KNU UGC STRIDE, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, West Bengal India
Correspondence: Shuvabrata Poddar, e-mail id:


In recent years there has been a growing awareness among mining companies of the need to address physical injuries and environmental issues, there remains a lack of knowledge about how psychosocial risks independently and in conjunction with physical risks affect the health, general wellbeing and quality of life of mine workers. The accidents of coal mine happened frequently, so strengthening the safety psychological education in the coal mine safety management, further training on control psychosocial factors, which cause accidents and low productivity through the safety education and then improving staff’s and workers’ psychological quality should go first in reducing safety accidents, which is also one of the best way to prevent the coal mine accidents. This paper focused on the exploration of psychosocial factors associated with productivity and accidents in mining industry.

Keywords: Psychosocial issues, industry, knowledge.

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