Indian Journal of Health Social Work
(UGC Care List Journal)
Table of Contents - Current issue
Invited Lecture
Political economy of public healthand research in india:Is it a lack of political will or a funding issue?
1 - 9
Dr. Shahid Perwez
Depression, anxiety and stress among internet user students: a comparative study
10 - 24
Mr. Bhujbeer
Cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) for recovered mentally ill patients in a rehabilitation setting
25 - 32
Ms. Kanisha Binu Sharon, Ms. Preenu Ashok, Ms. Rubini.V. , Ms. Dayana Selvaraj
The situation of the Assam tea garden hospitals and delivery of reproductive and child health services: a study of Dhekiajuli Block, Sonitpur, Assam
33 - 40
Ms. Suchita Topno
Health seeking behaviors among Bhutia and Lepcha tribes in Sikkim
41 - 49
Mr. Rinchen Ongmu Bhutia
Impact of simple exercises on mental health improvement for geriatric care
50 - 64
Ms. Shushanti Mutum
Social work initiatives for promotions of mental health of Vitiligo patients
65 - 72
Mr. Dhirendra Patel
Invited Lecture Abstract (ILA)
Importance of ‘Social Research in Health Care’
Prof. Rajendra Kshetri
Political economy of public healthand research in india:Is it a lack of political will or a funding issue?
Dr Shahid Perwez
Age, sex structure of Manipur population and its application in social research in health care services
Dr. Latashori K.
Symposium Abstract
Role of social worker’s in women mental health
77 - 79
Dr. Kimneihat Vaiphei, Dr. Kavita Jangam, Dr. Kimneihat Vaiphei
Social work practice in hospital settings
Dr. Prashant Srivastava, Dr. Jaswinder Kaur, Ms. Nupur Kumari, Mr. Upendra Singh
Impact of digital age on children and adolescents: Psychosocial Perspective
Mr. Ambrish Kumar & Dr. Narendra Kumar Singh
Women mental health in Indian perspective: An update
Mr. Mohit Shukla & Dr. Narendra Kumar Singh
Community Mental health in India
Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Mr. Kuldeep Singh, Dr. Prashant Srivastava
Workshop Abstracts
Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention
Ms. Nupur Kumari, Ms. Sunita Kumari, Ms. Swarnalata Kumari
Self- Care and Well-being for Professional Social Workers
Ms. J. Damen Queen
Award Abstracts
86 - 92
Free Paper Abstracts
93 - 164
Poster Abstracts
165 - 169

It’s a matter of great pride for me that All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals is launching first issue of “Indian Journal of Health Social Work” on the auspicious occasion of 6th Annual National Conference of AIAMSWP, 2019.