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Impact Of Covid-19 On Reproductive Health Care Services Among Women: A Cross Sectional Study In Select District Of Odisha

Impact Of Covid-19 On Reproductive Health Care Services Among Women: A Cross Sectional Study In Select District Of Odisha

Kheyali Roy1 & Shaurya Prakash2

1-2Research Scholar, Department of Social Work, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan West Bengal

Correspondence: Kheyali Roy, e-mail id:


BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on health systems, led to a global economic shutdown, and upended life as we know it. Sexual and reproductive health needs are often neglected in the midst of an emergency and COVID-19 has been no different. A reproductive health approach recognizes that the foundations of women’s health are laid in childhood and adolescence, and are influenced by factors such as nutrition, education, sexual roles and social status, cultural practices, and the socioeconomic environment. Reproductive health care strategies to meet women’s multiple needs include education for responsible and healthy sexuality, safe and appropriate contraception, and services for sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, delivery, and abortion. Aim: To study the impact of Covid-19 on Reproductive Health Care Services among Women in the targeted population of Odisha. Materials and Methods: A cross- sectional mixed study was conducted in Balasore district of Odisha. The researchers used simple random and purposive sampling for this particular study. Employing the statistical formula, with a confidence level 95% and a confidence interval of 5, the required sample size is 385. As the situation is not normal for the pandemic so the researchers have taken 100 women for this study and the data was collected using questionnaire and unstructured interview schedule (telephonic). Results and Conclusion: This paper deals with the knowledge of reproductive healthcare services among respondents and the effect of Covid- 19 on the reproductive healthcare services. It also deals with the effect of Covid-19 on family planning services. Thus, it is very obvious to say that Covid-19 has affected the respondents in terms reproductive healthcare and family planning services.

Keywords: Covid-19, reproductive healthcare services, women

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