Jan-Jun 2021
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Page Nos. 1-52

Online since Jun, 2021

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Psychosocial Factors for Alcohol Use
Alcohol dependence is a disease of the family. The impact of substance abuse goes beyond the individual abuser and magnitudes of Alcohol dependence often result in chaotic, unsystematic, and dysfunctional family systems. Alcohol dependence is associated to disrupt family roles, violence, dysfunctional communication, physical and psychological illness.
Review Article
Medical Social Work: An Important Hospital Function
Webster dictionary views healthiness ‘being sound in body, mind or spirit, particularly absence from physical ailment or pain’. The Oxford English Dictionary defines health as the integrity of body or mind; that condition in which its functions are correctly and competently performed. Over the years, the concept of health has witnessed a shift from an individual concern to a world-wide social goal. The concept of health involves bio-medical, emotional, psychological, social, cultural, political and spiritual factors. The holistic concept is the conglomeration of all the above-mentioned factors. According to WHO (1948), health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.
A Review on the Sway of Infertility on the Marital Satisfaction of Couples
Infertility has become complex issue that affects individuals, society and groups in different cultures. It is being recognized as a health issue worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), sterility and infertility will become the third most serious disease worldwide after cancer and cardiovascular diseases in this century. Infertility is “a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse” (WHO-ICMART, 2013) Infertility can lead to major social, emotional, mental disorders, as well as a reduction in satisfaction of marital life and quality of life (Masoumi et al, 2016).
A Study on the Implementation Status of Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation’ (Wifs) In The Selected Government Schools of W.B.
Adolescence is marked by a rapid phase of growth and development during which the demand of nutrition and micronutrients is comparatively in peak of the list. Consequently, mainly the adolescent girls, are endangered to iron deficiency. The excessive pervasiveness is in the ages of 12-15 years when demands are at a highest level (Gopaldas, T. and Kale, M, 1985). Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. It is characterised by rapid physical, biological and hormonal changes resulting in psycho-social, behavioural and sexual maturity in an individual. It is the second growth spurt of life and both boys and girls undergo different experiences in this phase. During this period in life there is a significant increase in nutritional requirements, especially for iron.
Differences In Mental Health Services Utilisation Across Caste And Gender: A Retrospective Study From A Tertiary-Care Psychiatric Institute In India
Tertiary care is understood as specialised intervention delivered by highly trained staff to individuals with problems that are complex and refractory to primary and secondary care. Usually, this type of care is initiated through referrals from secondary care. Criteria for tertiary care include: ‘presence of higher levels of management and security’, ‘higher expertise of the staff’, and ‘higher availability of staff and resources’, as well as ‘provisions of more detailed and specialized assessment and treatment services for the patients’ (Wasylenki et al., 2000). Tertiary care has emerged as a pivotal factor in providing universal access to healthcare in the 21st century.
Brief Communication
Effectiveness of The Role of Medical And Psychiatric Social Workers Working in Health Care Facilities
Social work is the largest and most important social service profession in the United States (Whitaker, Weissmuller, Clark & Wilson, 2006), with healthcare representing one of the most significant fields of practice. The social workers role play a vital role in all the fields around the world. According to the Health and Family Welfare department which brought forth the Tamil Nadu State Mental Health Rules, 2013 states that any health care facilities or hospitals should have an assigned medical and psychiatric social workers who possess a Master’s degree in Social Work (specialized in medical and psychiatry) or M.Phil.
Case Reports
Interpersonal Psychotherapy on Borderline Personality Disorder: A Case Study
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is characterized by pathological attachment pattern, rapid mood fluctuations, emotional dysregulation, impulsivity, distorted aspects of self and interpersonal relatedness. The low level of differentiation of self parallels the contextual, relational, and clinical experience of individuals with BPD. Theoretically, four factors influence an individual’s level of differentiation: emotional reactivity, emotional cut-off, fusion with others, and the ability to take an I Position (Kerr & Bowen, 1988).
Letter to Editor
Tele Psychotherapy For Covid-19 Positive Cases
The Dharwad Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (DIMHANS) has come up with tele psychotherapy for COVID-19 patients who are being treated under home isolation. The facility is the first of its kind in the state. There are nearly 1,000 COVID-19 patients in the district of Dharwad, mainly in the twin cities of Hubballi and Dharwad, who are being treated in their homes. As soon as the government gave its nod, many asymptomatic patients in the twin cities here have opted for treatment in their homes.
Instructions for Authors
The “Indian Journal of Health Social Work” is a biannual E-journal which will be published in the month of January and July in every year. The Indian Journal of Health Social Work is an official publication of All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP).
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