Indian Journal of Health Social Work
(UGC Care List Journal)
The primary mission of the Social Work
profession is to enhance the well-being of all
people with particular attention to basic needs
and bio -ps ycho- soc ial func t io ni ng of
marginalized populations (NASW, 2012). The
World Health Organization defines Health as
“a state of complete physical, mental, and
social well-being and not merely the absence
of disease or infi rmi ty” (Wor ld Heal th
Organization, 2009). Social work may adopt
the World Health Organization’s account of
health as a working definition for developing
and contrasting the idea of social work health
and wellness. The Social Work intervention
includes the activities that promote wellness
and physical fi tness. It also addresses
important mental, emotional, and social
“fitness” factors that support the profession’s
vision. Social work profes sion has the
potential to strengthen the present national
di s co ur s e on hol i s t i c gr owt h a nd
empowerment through developing a synergy
among physical-psychological-social-spiritual
aspects of life. According to Saxena et al,
(2005) Social worker plays significant role in
bringing positive physical and psychological
changes in human-beings. These positive
changes help the individual to cope up
effectively with stressful situations, thus
improving the quality of life. According to
McLean and Andrew (2000) Social worker has
great abi l i ty in asses sing the di f fi cul t
circumstances of human life and resolute the
problem for welfare of individuals. There are
researches indicating that physical activity has
good impact in reducing burnout & job
dissatisfaction, increase positive energy and
encourage the people to develop sel fefficiency
(Gillison et al, 2009). Social worker
inspires the individuals to engage themselves
in physical activities for betterment of life
such as activities in group and enjoying life
with optimal level of wellness.
Social worker always focuses to find out the
relationship between the profes sional
assignment and commitment for wellbeing and
development. They are also maintaining an
ideal level of social wellness allows building
healthy relationships with others. They create
supportive social network for agrees to
impro ve pos i t i ve s ki l l s and become
comfortable with stressful situations. It is
know that health social workers play a vital
role to increases positive coping, self-esteem
and confident of human and social wellness
enables to create boundaries that encourage
communi c at i on, t r us t a nd conf l i ct
In social work education, it seems that there
is inclusion of intervention like physical activity
and quality of life for increasing the work
efficiency and wellbeing throughout the life
of people. Previous researches indicate that
physical workout develops cardiovascular,
respiratory and digestive fitness, as well as
reduce metabolic problems and enhances
energy and flexibility (Barnett, et al., 2009).
Social Work profession gives importance on
good health and sustainable development. It
also emphasizes to create an environment
which aims at maintaining good physical and
mental health and provide better quality of
life. Social Worker empowers the deprived
and weaker section of society by providing
services which aims at enhancing their skill
to cope with problem and finding out the
solution for their well-being.
I t can be concluded that Social Work
Indian Journal of Health Social Work. 1(2) July-December, 2019
(Narendra Kumar Singh)
Chief Editor
profession has the unique potential and
opportunity to contribute to overall wellbeing
and address the growing issue of physical
inactivity, burnout and poor quality of life at
individual, family, group, community and
society level.
REFERENCES Barnett, L.M., Van.,Beurden, E., Morgan, P.J., Brooks, L.O., &Beard, J.R (2009). Childhood motor skill proficiency as a predictor of adolescent physical activity. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44, 252–259.
Gillison, F. B., Skevington, S. M., Sato, A., Standage, M., &Evangel idou, S. (2009). The ef fects of exercise interventions on quality of life in clinical and healthy populations; a meta-analys is. Social Science & Medicine, 68, 1700.
Mc Lea n, J ., & Andrew, T. (2 000 ) . Commitment, Satisfaction, Stress and Co nt r ol Among So cia l Ser vi c es Managers and Social Workers in the UK. Administration in Social Work, 23, 93-118.
National Association of Social Workers. (2012). Social work speaks: National Association of Social Workers policy statements, 2012-2014. Washington, D.C: NASW Press.
Saxena, S., Van, O. M., Tang, K. C., & Armstrong, T. P. (2005). Mental health benefits of physical activity. Journal of Mental Health, 14, 445-451.
(Narendra Kumar Singh)
Chief Editor
REFERENCES Barnett, L.M., Van.,Beurden, E., Morgan, P.J., Brooks, L.O., &Beard, J.R (2009). Childhood motor skill proficiency as a predictor of adolescent physical activity. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44, 252–259.
Gillison, F. B., Skevington, S. M., Sato, A., Standage, M., &Evangel idou, S. (2009). The ef fects of exercise interventions on quality of life in clinical and healthy populations; a meta-analys is. Social Science & Medicine, 68, 1700.
Mc Lea n, J ., & Andrew, T. (2 000 ) . Commitment, Satisfaction, Stress and Co nt r ol Among So cia l Ser vi c es Managers and Social Workers in the UK. Administration in Social Work, 23, 93-118.
National Association of Social Workers. (2012). Social work speaks: National Association of Social Workers policy statements, 2012-2014. Washington, D.C: NASW Press.
Saxena, S., Van, O. M., Tang, K. C., & Armstrong, T. P. (2005). Mental health benefits of physical activity. Journal of Mental Health, 14, 445-451.
(Narendra Kumar Singh)
Chief Editor
It’s a matter of great pride for me that All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals is launching first issue of “Indian Journal of Health Social Work” on the auspicious occasion of 6th Annual National Conference of AIAMSWP, 2019.