Indian Journal of Health Social Work
(UGC Care List Journal)

Jul-Dec 2020
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | Page Nos. 1-60
Online since Dec, 2020
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Role of Clinical Social Work
Social Work as a profession came into existence with realization of the fact that simply material supplies cannot and shall not mitigate the sufferings of the recipients of the aids, unless they are helped personally and socially to learn to cope up with their problems. The first major effort to formulate social work practice in a systematic fashion made by Mary Richmond in her book “Social Diagnosis”, and “What is Social Work” (1922), which is appreciated as landmark in Social Work education.
- December 20, 2020
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Review Article
National Lockdown: Changing Model of Education and it’s Impact on Mental Health During Covid-19
Education is a social institution for gaining knowledge and skills. It plays an important role in building successful people. Education is not learning from books alone. It is believed that education begins from the moment a child is born. Education begins as an informal process where an infant learns through observation and imitation. As the child grows, education becomes a formal process of acquiring systematic instructions through institutions.
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Sexual Dysfunction and Psychological Well Being in Persons with Alcohol Dependence
Alcohol dependence has been emerged as a major public health problem in modern world. India is not also free from this menace. Alcohol dependence is thought to be influenced by plethora of psychological, sociocultural and socio-economic factors and some innate biological/genetic factors. Earlier substance addiction, including Alcohol dependence was referred as the sign of marked “social deviation”, but later the medical model or the disease model was applied on this problem to understand its facets more accurately.
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Efficacy of Group versus Individual Relapse Prevention Therapy on Alcohol Intake and Quality of Life in Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder
The widespread abuse of Alcohol has become a human tragedy. Each year the abuse of alcohol exact an enormous toll in deaths, decline in productivity, more crime and accidents and also increased expenditure in rehabilitation. The word “alcohol” came from the Arabic “Alkuhl” meaning essence.
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Effectiveness of Floor-time therapy in comparison to Floor Time Therapy Adjunct to Music Therapy in the Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a group of neurological disorders characterized by social communication impairments as well as the presence of stereotyped behaviours and interest (APA, 2000). Although precise neurobiological mechanisms have not yet been established, it is clear that Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD: henceforth it will be spelt as ASD) reflect the operation of factors in the developing brain.
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Brief Communication
Psychosocial Support in Disaster Management in India
Disaster is a severe disruption; ecological and psychosocial, which greatly exceeds the coping capacity of the affected community (World Health Organization, 1992). India is a country of diversity, diverse geographical nature makes it vulnerable to different natural calamities such as cyclone, drought, earthquake, flood, avalanche, landslide, cloudburst, etc. Man-made disasters such as riots, terrorist attacks, and stampedes are also very frequent in India.
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Case Reports
Role of Family in Post-Partum Depression: A Case Report
Post-partum depression is a serious form of clinical depression related to pregnancy and childbirth which is often confused with the milder “baby blues” that typically go away after a week or two. The ICD-10, permits the classification of mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium (F53) only if they onset within six weeks and if they cannot be classified elsewhere (WHO, 1992).
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Neuro-Cognitive Rehabilitation/Retraining in Alcoholic Korsakoff Syndrome: A Case Report
Korsakoff syndrome is a chronic memory disorder caused by severe deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B-1). Korsakoff syndrome is most commonly caused by alcohol misuse, but certain other conditions also can cause the syndrome.
- December 20, 2020
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Exploring Shopaholics Attitude and Behaviors: A dose, defense, or disorder?
Days are gone when shopping was to use to do at the hour of need and when individuals use to do shop at period of scarcity. However, the current scenario especially about shopping has completely changed, not only in terms of taste of shopping but in terms of purpose too.
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book review
Social Work in Hospital- Helping Profession
Social work has been an indispensable part in the arena of healthcare, since the early 20thcentury. Over time, social work’s applicability and ascendancy in healthcare has significantly enlarged.
- December 20, 2020
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Instructions for Authors
The “Indian Journal of Health Social Work” is a biannual E-journal which will be published in the month of January and July in every year. The Indian Journal of Health Social Work is an official publication of All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP).
- December 20, 2020
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Subscription Form
Indian Journal of Health Social Work is an official publication of All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP). If someone wants to subscribe to our journal there are two types of subscription offer:
1. Individual subscription
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Any individual, institute or organisation can send the request to subscribe the print copy of the journal as per need with prescribed subscription fee as per requested period of subscription. For detailed information about subscription fee and order your copy please download a copy of subscription form from the link below.
- December 20, 2020
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Copyright Form
- December 20, 2020
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