Indian Journal of Health Social Work
(UGC Care List Journal)
Volume 4 | Issue 1 | JAN -JUN 2022
COVID and Society: Challenges Before a Social Work Professionals
We have faced a global health crisis very recently, in the form of COVID -19. This pandemic has been associated with killing people, spreading human suffering, and upending people’s lives. As the time has itself revealed, COVID pandemic is much more than
a health crisis, for, it is a human, economic, psychological and social crisis. The COVID19 is attacking societies at their core.
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Review Article
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Work-Life Balance Among Professionals
According to the Economic Times Report,
(2020), in India the active case of COVID-19
was found to be 3,374, thus the beginning of
the year 2020 has seen a major global public
health crisis in the form of COVID-19.
Pandemic has resulted in the shut down all
across the world, and as a result, every
individual’s lifestyle has changed dramatically.
India among many countries started shutting
down as a precautionary measure to prevent
the spread of the virus. As the country started
shutting down in the face of crises, the whole
system was confronted with a never seen
situation when on the 24th of march a
nationwide lockdown was ordered.
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Availability of Health Infrastructure and Accessibility to Health Services in the Urban Slums of Kolkata: A Contextual Exploration
The growth of the slums has led to a greater incidence of diseases in the slums and
squatter settlements. The slums are the major place for the breeding of infectious diseases and their way of transmission. This is due to increased rural-urban migration, poor and hazardous environment and lack of basic services such as proper drinking water, lack of sanitation facilities, overcrowded etc.,
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Effects of Social Networking Sites on Students’ Psychosomatic Health in Western Odisha Universities During COVID-19 Pandemic - A statistical Analysis
Internet and Social Networking Sites (SNSs)
have revolutionized communications to such
an extent that it is now our preferred medium of everyday communication. In the 1980s and 1990s, the internet widened in scope to encompass the Information Technology (IT) capabilities of universities and research centers. The internet has become an indispensable part of today’s society. The
emergence of web 2.0 in the first decade of the twenty-first century was itself a revolution in the short history of the internet and social networking sites, fostering the rise of social
media and other interactive, crowd-based communication tools [1].
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Stress and Burnout among Working Women: A Study of Female Faculty Members of Visva-Bharati University West Bengal
Stress is the psychological strain or distress
resulting from exposure to unusual or demanding situations, known as stressors. Occupational stress (OS), specifically, is the response to organizational stressors in the workplace environment that pose “a perceived
threat to an individual’s well-being or safety”.
In addition to organizational factors, individual level factors have also been implicated in
stress outcomes, both as contributing factors
as well as moderators of stress (Cullen, 1985). Long term stress can lead to burnout which is conceptualized as a “psychological
syndrome in response to chronic interpersonal
stressors on the job” which arises due to an
imbalance between the demands placed on
individuals and their ability to cope.
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Psychological Distress and Well-Being: A Cross-sectional Study of Adults in Asansol
A generic phrase used to describe unpleasant
feelings or emotions that affect a person’s
level of functioning is psychological distress.
Well-being status is experienced as health,
happiness, and prosperity. It includes having
good mental health, high life satisfaction, a
sense of meaning and purpose, and the ability
to manage stress. Various reasons have led to several changes in our day-to-day activities due to social distancing, lockdown, and other health hygiene practices, which are
continuously influencing psychological distress
and creating obstacles to well-being.
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A Study on Phantom Vibration Syndrome-Behavioural and Emotional Issues Among Youth
Global technology and its evolution affect everyone. T he public embraces any communication technology changes. Globally, 4.5 billion individuals utilise mobile phones and social media (Kemp, 2020). It’s not
unexpected that many of them are young. Since many years, researchers have studied
the influence of smartphone use on young children. It’s not new. But teen mobile phone addiction and poor mental and physical health
have generated concerns (Shoukat, 2019).Phantom vibration syndrome causes
users to assume their phone is ringing or trembling when it’s not (Locke, 2016). Robert Rosenberger (2020) studies technology and
behaviour at Georgia Tech.
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Brief Communication
A Study on the Prevalence of Anemia amongst the Children Residing in the Urban Slums of Kolkata
Anaemia is a condition of having a low number of red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to the body’s tissues. Iron deficiency anaemia and vitamin deficiency anaemia are very common among children. According to WHO data, in 2019, global anaemia prevalence was 39.8% (95% UI 36.0%, 43.8%) in children aged 6–59 months, equivalent to 269 million children with anaemia. There are a few causes of anaemia among children; being premature or low birth weight, poverty, lack of proper diet or iron-rich foods, etc. It is very common to experience all the criteria’s which can
cause anaemia especially amongst children residing in the urban slums.
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Mental Health and Well-Being of Child: A Global Mental Health Praxis
The prevalence and importance of child mental
health problems have been progressively
recognized in recent years. From a historical
viewpoint, child psychiatry, as well as child mental health in general, are relatively recent
fields within health care. While child mental
health issues are essential in their own right,
they frequently lead directly to adult mental
health issues (Patel et al., 2013). For children’s
healthy emotional, social, physical, and cognitive development, psychological wellbeing is crucial, and this is widely
acknowledged. The effectiveness of various
therapies to enhance children’s mental health
and treat mental health issues and disorders
is now well supported by the available research (Wenceslau et al., 2015).
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Instructions for Authors
The “Indian Journal of Health Social Work” is a biannual E-journal which will be published in the month of January and July in every year. The Indian Journal of Health Social Work is an official publication of All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP).
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Subscription Form
Indian Journal of Health Social Work is an official publication of All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP). If someone wants to subscribe to our journal there are two types of subscription offer:
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Any individual, institute or organisation can send the request to subscribe the print copy of the journal as per need with prescribed subscription fee as per requested period of subscription. For detailed information about subscription fee and order your copy please download a copy of subscription form from the link below.
- June 20, 2022
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Copyright Form
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ISSN: 2582-1393 (online)
UGC Care List Journal