Indian Journal of Health Social Work

Official Publication of the All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals

The Indian Journal of Health Social Work (IJHSW) is the culmination of the collective effort of social work professionals across the country to create a platform for exploration, discussion, research and action on the social determinants and correlates of health care.

The “Indian Journal of Health Social Work” is a bi-annual journal which will be published in the month of January and July in every year. The Indian Journal of Health Social Work is an official publication of All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP). The journal accepts original research work, review articles, case reports, informative materials, commentary, forum, & brief communication related to social work practice in health care.


The Indian Journal of Health Social Work is a forum for the publication, dissemination and debate of key ideas and researches focussed to contemporary social work practice with individuals, couples, families, groups & community in the field of health care. It also presents innovations in theoretical, practice, evidence-based clinical & community researches, and interdisciplinary approaches. The Indian Journal of Health Social Work is committed for updating the clinical knowledge of practitioners, educators & researchers. The journal welcomes submissions from areas of medical & psychiatric social work and also from other interdisciplinary subject related to healthcare fraternity.

    • Editorial
    • Review Articles
    • Original Research Papers.
    • Commentary & Invited articles
    • Forum
    • Case Reports
    • Short Communication
    • Letters to the Editor

Publication Frequency
The “Indian Journal of Health Social Work” is a bi-annual journal which will be published in the month of January and July in every year.

Open Access Policy
This is E-journal which provides immediate free access to all the published articles and freely available for the public supports a worldwide exchange of knowledge in the website of Association.

Plagiarism Policy
The journal is strictly against any unethical act of copying or plagiarism in any form. Plagiarism is said to have occurred when large portions of a manuscript have been copied from existing previously published resources. All manuscripts submitted for publication to the Indian Journal of Health Social Work will be cross-checked for plagiarism. Manuscripts found to be plagiarized during any stages of review are out-rightly rejected and not considered for publication in the journal.

Copyright Policy
Authors note that manuscript cannot be withdrawn at any condition once it is accepted. The authors may not publish his/her manuscript anywhere else without the prior permission of the editor. The author warrants that his/her contribution is original. The Corresponding author accepts responsibility for publishing his/her manuscript/material on the behalf of any and all co-authors. Editor or Association is not responsible for any discrepancies or any conflict of interest arising out of manuscript.

Peer Review Process
All papers are peer-reviewed before publication. The journal does not charge the authors for submission, processing or publication of the articles.

Journal Sponsorship
The Indian Journal of Health Social Work is an official publication of All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP). So, journal is not sponsored by any organization/institute/agency.


Volume 3 | Issue 2 | JUL -DEC 2021

Mental Illness Become a Global Burden in Current Pandemic
The global burden of mental disorders is enumerated by applying four strategies: the prevalence of disorders, their burden as measured in disability-adjusted life years, inequities in the distribution and impact of disorders, and their impact on other health conditions. It is estimated that about 10% of the adult and child population at any given point of time suffer from at least one mental disorder and cases has been increased after Covid-19 pandemic. However, it is also evident that there are large variations in the prevalence of mental disorders between, and within, populations.
Review Article
Psychosocial Issues Associated With Mining Industry: A Brief Review
Mining is the process of digging things out of the ground. Any material that cannot be grown must be mine. There are four main mining methods: underground, open surface (pit), placer, and inset mining. A worker in a mine is called a miner. Underground mining is a dangerous job. Many mines have accidents. Hundreds of miners die every year from accidents mostly in poor countries. Safety rules and special safety equipment is used to try and protect miners from accidents. Accidents can reduce the production of mining industry. The accidents not only occur due to natural causes but also it include psychosocial and human induced causes.
Lived Experiences Of Children Exposed To Family Violence: An Indepth Analysis
Exposure to Family violence is distressing to children and is associated with many mental health problems both in childhood and in later life. Exposure of a child or adolescent to any incident of violent or threatening behaviour or abuse between adults who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members is defined as a form of child maltreatment (Gilbert et al., 2009). It is associated with an increased risk of psychological, social, emotional and behavioural problems. Family violence includes physical aggression, such as hitting, kicking and beating, and emotional abuse, through behaviours such as humiliation, intimidation, and controlling actions (e.g., isolation from family and friends).
Impact Of Covid-19 On Reproductive Health Care Services Among Women: A Cross Sectional Study In Select District Of Odisha
The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on health systems, led to a global economic shutdown, and upended life as we know it. As the virus spreads at alarming rates, the fallout has spanned the globe and revealed the ill- preparedness of governments, health systems, and social safety networks to respond to the longstanding and emerging needs of people worldwide, especially relating to the health and rights of women and girls. While the global response has rightly focused on containing the virus and treating the infected, it has also illustrated gaps in our existing approach to sexual and reproductive health care and articulated the need to embrace a comprehensive approach to health care long after the crisis ends.
Daytime Sleepiness, Sleep Quality and Sleep Habits Among Undergraduate Students
College is a place where many young adults acquire a degree of personal freedom which paves the way for change in their life style.Also due to academic and peer pressure their life style gradually changes which plays a pivotal role in modification of their sleep pattern. One of the life style habits that young people frequently alter upon entering college is sleep. Conceivably due to social and academic demands, many college students choose an irregular sleep wake pattern. In order to compensate the night time sleep, research shows that there is significant increase in day time sleepiness among students (Pilcher, Ginter and Sadowsky 1996).
Knowledge, Attitute, Perceived Stress and Psychological Problems of the Undergraduate University Students in Relation to SARS-COV-2 Pandemic: A Descriptive Study from India
The SARS-COV-2 pandemic has made everyone edgy due to its extremely high infective potentiality and ability to significant illness sequel. The SARS- CoV-2 has laid down devastating impact on every aspect of human beings which world has never witnessed after 1918 Spanish Flue (1-4). The epicenter of SARS-COV-2 is Wuhan, the capital Central Chinese province, Hubei. This outbreak was started at the end of 2019 and it has been emerged as a global pandemic with catastrophic impact on every sphere of human civilization (5). In India, the first confirmed case of SARS-COV-2 was reported on 30th January 2020 to a student from the state of Kerala having the travelling history of Wuhan, China.
Brief Communication
Barriers, Cultural Variance and Pathways to Psychiatric Care: A Systemic Review
India is a country with cultural diversity with differing rates of ethnic groups and mental health problems, particularly psychosis, which is reflection on their diverse cultural and socio- economic background. It is essential that all culturally different groups have access to mental health services and adequate treatment. According to the National Report of NMHS reveals that nearly 83% people of India are need of active interventions for one or more mental health issues. Most of the identified had not sought for treatment or not able to access appropriate care despite seeking. The treatment gaps are huge in both rural and urban settings with direct or indirect influence of multiple factors.
Case Reports
A Case of Person with Premature Ejaculation: Psychiatric Social Work Intervention
Sexual dysfunctions in males, premature ejaculation is one of the most prevalent sexual dysfunction among males. Erectile dysfunction is incidences are more often than other common sexual dysfunctions (Frank et al., 1978). A sexual dysfunction is found mostly in the male who experiences premature ejaculation often within a short period before or during vaginal penetration. This experiences of inability to delay ejaculation or vaginal penetrations often lead to negative personal consequences like distress, bother, frustration and avoidance of sexual intimacy with a partner (American Psychiatric Association, 2013; McMahon et al., 2008). There are different causal factors involved like genetic, somatic, neurological and biological factors.
Instructions for Authors
The “Indian Journal of Health Social Work” is a biannual E-journal which will be published in the month of January and July in every year. The Indian Journal of Health Social Work is an official publication of All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP).
Subscription Form
Indian Journal of Health Social Work is an official publication of All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP). If someone wants to subscribe to our journal there are two types of subscription offer:

1. Individual subscription
2. Institutional subscription

Any individual, institute or organisation can send the request to subscribe the print copy of the journal as per need with prescribed subscription fee as per requested period of subscription. For detailed information about subscription fee and order your copy please download a copy of subscription form from the link below.
Copyright Form

Volume 3

Issue 1 (Jan-Jun)  Page 1-52

Volume 2

Issue 2 (Jul-Dec)  Page 1-60
Volume 2
Issue 1 (Jan-Jun) 
Page 1-60

Jan. 2020 (Supplement)

Jan. 2020 (Supplement) 
Page 1-117

Volume 1

Volume 1